The Pink Arrow Project

Taking Aim At Cancer Challenge

2018 Updated rules and additional information

You may donate via PayPal to: 

If you would like Pink Arrow Project pens or wristbands to have at your shoot, please send me an email.  


**They are available to you at a minimal cost to help me cover my shipping them to you.

1. This Taking Aim At Cancer Fund Raiser is open to ANY archery club/membership/league of ANY size located ANYWHERE globally.  Yes!  That's right.  This is open to EVERYONE.
2. Just like last year the registered location with the most money raised and sent in by the deadline will win the grand award.  You can register at our Facebook page which is:
3. Once you register on this page then please send us an email, so that we have a contact ability with your club. to:
4. NEW THIS YEAR.....   We will have quarterly awards for the club that raises the most money in that quarter.  
5.  Post-marked Quarter deadlines are 30 April 2018;  31 July 2018; 31 October 2018 and 31 January 31 2019.  Mail you donation packages to:  TAACC PO Box 661, Lightfoot, VA 23090-0661
6.  The overall grand award is a cumulative of all funds raised during the event.  If you send in funds by a particular quarter deadline then you are in the running for that quarter's awards.
7. Businesses or individuals that want to participate may write a check payable to:

                             Chan Soon-Shiong Institute.  

We also have a PayPal account setup:


but please denote for which of the registered location gets the donation credit. If your business wants to support the effort without an entry for awards, that's great too. 
8. Winners will be announced hopefully at the 2019 Vegas shoot via social media. Depends how many entries we receive and how fast Jesse and I can tally it all up. LOL
9. You do not have to have a shoot to raise money. You can do raffles or whatever you can think of to raise funds. Be creative. If you do have a shoot call your local news station to come out and do a story. Maybe viewers will chip in to support your club. That was a good idea that raised a ton of money for one of the clubs!
10. What are the awards for first, second and third? We are getting growing support from various manufactures who want to support this event. But the biggest reward is to everyone who participates knowing we are collectively taking aim at defeating cancer in my lifetime.
11.  In the event of a tie, a coin toss will decide the winner.
12.  If requested, a tax contribution letter will be sent out to those writing a check.  Just make sure to add a sticky note to the check asking for one.
13.  Have fun!!!  Be creative!

** Please note this information may be updated on a regular basis.